“What is necessary as a prelude to anything
else that may come is a very strong grass-roots build-up of Black Consciousness
such that Blacks can learn to assert themselves and stake their rightful claim.”
University is revered as one of the most academically excellent institutions of
higher learning not only in South Afrika, but in the Afrikan continent as a
whole. It is regarded as a factory wherein future leaders of this glorious
continent are manufactured. Those who reside outside its walls view it as a
yardstick by which great universities are measured and most of those who reside
within its walls are in a permanent mode of defence for its traditions and
culture. But there are those within these walls, the silenced voices, who have
a different opinion about the institution but can never speak out for fear of
victimisation by the institution’s management and rejection by the student
body. These students and workers nestled within the walls of this institution
have experienced first-hand, the brutal nature of the extent to which
subliminal racism and stratification on the basis of class can go. But very few
dare to rise and be counted amongst the brave and while the reasons for their
silence and refusal to fight are admissible, the ramifications are fatal, for
in refusing to be counted amongst those who fight for genuine transformation,
we are setting up a time-bomb which will explode in the faces of our children
and their grandchildren who will someday inherit this institution from us.
Many will be
uncomfortable as they read this article, not only because it provides an alternative
and dissenting view to that which has been internalised and defined by the
institution’s literature, but because it is human nature to reject that which
is foreign. And in Rhodes University, engaging on issues of race and class is
foreign. In this institution of ours, you are more likely to be marginalised
for breaking ground on issues that few want to discuss than you are for
anything else. In our institution, we find comfort in burying our heads in the
sand and pretending that there are no race and class antagonisms that exist. We
seek solace in an ignorant ideal of superficial racial harmony, because that
solace shields us from the brutal truth that we do not want to confront, a
truth that we would rather ignore for fear that it will expose us all for what
we truly are. Yes, we seek comfort in the existence within ignorance, because
if we opt for this existence, we move further and further away from directly
confronting the questions that deep in our hearts, we know must be confronted.
And we know this because we do not exist in a vacuum. We are part of a society
that finds itself engulfed by these antagonisms and try as we may to treat
Rhodes University like a castle in the air, it is inevitable that we will
someday stand before an uncomfortable truth and answer to our own conscience.
That truth is that subliminal though it may be, there is racism in this
institution and there is an ostracisation of students from a working-class
background by both the management of the university and the student population.
I want to quote a recent incident that corroborates this somewhat controversial
assertion (not disregarding the understanding that in Rhodes University,
anything that relates to race is controversial by default).
The example
regards the scathing attacks on mostly Black students, attacks that have found
expression on the SRC Facebook page. Over the past three weeks, perhaps because
of the SRC period, the Rhodes SRC group has been a very volatile platform of
engagement where at least 2000 students converge to discuss matters that
concern the institution and its activities. While most of the discussions have
been about general matters, there have also been very critical debates that
have been instigated by students the likes of Mthobisi Buthelezi which have
often dealt with issues of racism, classism and sexism. Many students engaged
on these debates and a quick perusal will indicate to you that most of them
were White. The responses and the contributions that these students made to the
discussions were not only appalling in their total disregard for ideological
and intellectual depth, but they were also decorated greatly in pathologised
racism and White supremacy. On the 22nd of September 2012, in a
discussion about Black Economic Empowerment, a capitalist model of wealth
redistribution designed by the South Afrikan government to redress the
inequalities of the apartheid regime by giving previously disadvantaged
groups - mainly Black people - economic privileges previously not available to
them, a White student said, and I quote:
“But by taking it away from the
people who created it won't benefit the country in my mind (I stand to be
corrected). Would we rather not want to integrate the black people into the
'white monopoly' over just trying to remove it or over take it, colours can
change with mixing after all?"
This comment
was made in response to a comment that BEE seeks to share the country’s wealth
amongst the people, Black and White, equally. Most people will find a way to
intellectualise this comment, but few will dare to dissect it and expose it for
the White supremacist thinking that it actually expresses. Firstly, this
comment insinuates that White people “created” the wealth that they inherited
from the apartheid legacy. Such a fallacious insinuation must not be dismissed
by those whose principles favour truth over popularity. And the truth is that
White people did NOT “create” wealth, they stole it. They found everything in
the motherland; the land on which they build their industries and the minerals
with which they trade. Many native people had to die fighting against this
brutal dispossession. And to claim that the solution to inequality is to
“integrate Black people into White monopoly capital” is as racist and White
supremacist as it can get, for it implies that the only destiny for the Black
man is White. That is to say, it implies that Black people are consumers and
Whites are producers. It implies that the former are incapable of creating and
as such, must be integrated into a system whose very nucleus is confined within
their historical oppression and subjugation. The tragedy in this student’s
thinking is not only the thinking itself, but rather, that through various
engagements that have taken place on the SRC platform, there is evidence that
suggests that he is one of very many. Though not on the subject of BEE, many
such related debates have been entered into where many White students have
exerted and exposed their White arrogance and ethnocentric mentalities that
seek to define the experiences of Black people and measure the worthiness of
the Black world using a White ruler. Interestingly and unfortunately, there
have also been a few Black students who have been vehicles on which this White
supremacist ideology is driven. These students have continuously defended ideas
that are antagonistic towards a Black consciousness perspective in favour of
liberalism. I understand their positions, for they are a product of a
particular socialisation which still remains foreign to the reality of the nervousness
of natives’ conditions. But I do not sympathise with ignorance about the truth,
nor do I have the moral inclination to tolerate liberalism. A liberal, Black or
White, is but an obstacle to authentic social cohesion and a secret advocate of
the status quo.
The vigour
with which students who say anything that is not comfortable for the Rhodes
students are ganged up on by so-called progressive liberals can also not be
left unchallenged. There have been very many “progressive liberals” who have
come onto the threads of these discussions simply to exert their arrogance,
which has more often than not been misguided, for very few of the
counter-arguments raised have been rich with ideological and philosophical
depth. What we see instead is intellectualised liberal rhetoric, an advanced
detachment of fermented philistinism.
I must add
that this example alone does not speak for the majority of Rhodes University
students, for in our totality, we amount to just over 6500 while on the SRC
Forum there are exactly 2000 of us. But it is a cause for concern when even
within that 2000, we find many whose views are shaped by this arrogance. It is
problematic that a university that is supposed to produce a new generation of
thought-leaders is so pregnant with economisation of truth, that leaders of
tomorrow are ignorant of the yesterday that has shaped a today from which
tomorrow must be built. A university where debate is turned into a platform for
the expression of White arrogance and White supremacy is no progressive
university. It is a sanctuary for liberals, conservatives, right-wingers,
neo-Nazists and fascists. It is a prison for the Black Conscious students, the
Afrikanists, the Socialists, the Communists and all those who are an
anti-thesis to all constructs of oppressive, ethnocentric and intolerant
ideology. The time when students who subscribe to BC ideology are not
criminalised is now. If students of Rhodes University and indeed the
institution’s management are going to refuse to allow us to be the ones who
write the Black narrative without the consent or the approval of the White
world as is the case, then Rhodes University is refusing to create a festival
of ideas. It is instead creating platform for a battleground of ideas. But
whether our ideas are converged in a festival or a battleground, the fact is,
our voices will be heard and White supremacist attitudes will be challenged.
I pause…for
**Malaika is a member of the South African Students
Congress but writes in her own capacity. The views are not that of the
year BSS (Geography)
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